The belief you carry on, till you reach six feet deep
The cross hair you are into,web of myths, so steep
The firm you hold the Cross, the strong it possibly make
The storms inside you should help fall across the fake.
Forbidden thoughts, forgiven as you have faith
Foresee the spectrum of speculation, as we go,He will save.
Fame and bills, take you on till you go grey
Frame by frame, picture this, as the old men say.
Compliment and conquer, the heart and mind, as we speak
Configure the Holy Words, deep thy heart, He seeks.
Confiding the perimeters of mind, throbbing emotions, hold now
Conflicting memories keep the fight within,i can feel it how.
Stubborn, unborn, crippled, mutilated and multiple thought process
Sunburn, demonic, obnoxious, surrogate and speculative sources.
Charismatic, your name tells me, wounded you cant save yourself
Turn back to your Creator and forget the human GOD, he is flesh.
Your Crystal ball, cubes or hypothesis is of no use
You are a puppet and current master another one, that is due.
Your grey cells are bleeding when misunderstood
You have to realize, all are human, there is only one GOD.
Annoying, exasperating, antagonizing, into your flesh these words
Apply this, enticing, enigmatic, racer sharp double edged sword.
Allow to get healed and get back to the normality
All now will be positive and keep this a formality.